● [Dec. 2024] Our research team (VinUni + EPFL) received funding from the Vietnamese-Swiss Joint Research Programme (NAFOSTED – SNSF) to develop the next generation of explainable vision-language foundation models for medical imaging.
● [Nov. 2024] I am honored to be awarded The Royal Academy of Engineering’s Leaders in Innovation Fellowships (LIF Global 2025).
● [Nov. 2024] I am honored to be recognized as an Outstanding Faculty Member in Research at the College of Engineering and Computer Science, VinUniversity.
● [Oct. 2024] New papers have been accepted at IEEE WACV, IEEE Big Data, Brain Informatics 2024, IEEE BIBM 2024, and Digital Health. Congratulations to all authors. Learn more about our lastest publications here.
● [Sep. 2024] My comments on the Vietnamese innovation ecosystem are available in Tạp chí Tia Sáng.
● [Sep. 2024] We are hiring a CTO for Align Health. Full job description can be found here.
● [Sep. 2024] I have joined as a member of the VinUni Research Affairs Committee.
● [Aug. 2024] VinUni-Illinois Pre-PhD Summer School 2024 started.
● [Aug. 2024] I founded and directed The Computer Vision and Medical AI Lab (CVMAIL) at VinUniversity.
● [June 2024] We are looking for multiple PhD and Postdoc candidates to work on AI-based Precision Pathology at VinUniversity (Vietnam) and UIUC (USA).
● [June 2024] I serve as Area Chair for the 17th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2024!
● [June 2024] A new paper has been early accepted for presentation at the 27th Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI2024). Congratulations to Nguyen Van Phi!
● [June 2024] Looking for a Postdoctoral Research Associate position (a UIUC full-time appointment) working in Professor Minh Do's group. This is an interdisciplinary research position on AI for Medical Imaging (Medical AI) in collaboration with multiple groups at UIUC and Mayo Clinic. This is on a twelve-month service basis with an annual salary of $70,000. Email to me ( if you are interested.
● [May 2024] A new paper has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI). Congratulations to our undergraduate students Nguyen Viet Duong and Nguyen Xuan Hieu!
● [Mar. 2024] We received three (03) external research grants (~143K USD in total) aimed at pioneering innovative smart health solutions and fostering a durable collaboration between VinUniversity (VN) and counterparts at KU Leuven University (Belgium) and Cardiff University (UK). See more here.
● [Mar. 2024] I started serving as an Editorial Board Member for Scientific Data Journal (Nature).
● [Jan. 2024] I am honored to receive the Faculty of the Year Award (VinUniversity 2023).
● [Dec. 2023] We won the Best Paper Award at The Eleventh International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR 2023).
● [May 2023] We open the Call for PhD Applications at VinUni and UIUC.
● [Oct. 2023] I have been selected to serve as the Scientific Director of the Entrepreneurship Lab (E-lab) at VinUniversity.
● [Sep. 2023] I won the National Outstanding Young Scientist Award (Golden Globe) in Science and Technology, Vietnam.
● [Sep. 2023] I received The College's Award for Exceptional Performance in Research AY 2022-2023.
● [Aug. 2023] One paper was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (IF 5.3).
● [Aug. 2023] One paper was accepted by Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine (IF 3.6).
● [Aug. 2023] One paper was accepted by PLOS ONE (IF 3.7).
● [July 2023] I was appointed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) to serve as a member of the Workshop Committee for Engaging Scientists in Shared Responsible Innovation in Neuroscience in Southeast Asia.
● [July 2023] We have been awarded an International Grant from the Cognitive Science Society for the project “Launching Cognitive Science in Vietnam”, led by Professor K. David Harrison, PhD, VinUni's Vice Provost of Academic Affairs.
● [May 2023] Our international research team (VinUniversity-VN, L'Université Grenoble Alpes-FR and National Institute of Communications-BR) wins €0.5 million funding from the MIAI Grenoble Alpes Institute (France) to develop "Smart Life Smart Living Intercontinental. AI by and for People".
● [May 2023] Our paper titled "CADIS: Handling Cluster-skewed Non-IID Data in Federated Learning with Clustered Aggregation and Knowledge DIStilled Regularization" won the Best Paper Award (ML Track) at The 23rd IEEE/ACM international Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid 2023).
● [May 2023] We run our AI in Medicine Seminar.
● [Mar. 2023] Two papers got accepted for publication in Nature Scienfic Data (IF 11.211). Check out preprints here and here.
● [Mar. 2023] I have joined Coordinated Science Laboratory, UIUC as a Visiting Scholar, working on AI in Medicine with my Advisor, Prof. Minh Do.
● [Jan. 2023] Our VinUni-UIUC research team (with Stephen Boppart, Mark A Anastasio, Marina Marjanovic, Mai Tran, Nhung Nguyen, and Wray Buntine) got $260K funding from VISHC Research Funding Program to work on the Evaluation of the Effect of Antiviral Drugs using Polarized Light Imaging. We are looking for 5 PhDs and 1 Postdoc to join us. See more here.
● [Jan. 2023] Three papers got accepted (2xQ1 Journals and 1-rank A conference). Congratulations to all authors and co-authors!
● [Nov. 2022] In the last three months, 10 research articles got accepted or provisionally accepted for publication at top journals and conferences in AI and Medicine, including PLOS One, Computers in Biology and Medicine, ACCV, and ICPP. A complete list of publications is available here. Congratulations to all authors and co-authors.
● [Oct. 2022] Got promoted to Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the College of Engineering & Computer Science, VinUniversity.
● [Sep. 2022] We win AI Awards 2022.
● [Sep. 2022] Take a short-term visit to the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Bonn, and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), in order to explore new space for collaboration with Prof. Martin Reuter (Head of Image Analysis, DZNE; Assistant Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School) and Prof. Alfred Mertins (Director of the Institute for Signal Processing, University of Lübeck).
● [Aug. 2022] I am looking for a PhD student working on AI-based Medical Image Analysis for Early Detection and Diagnosis . This thesis shall be supervised by me,
Prof. Qiang Wu, and Prof. Min Xu from University of Technology Sydney (UTS). Selected candidate will be provided full scholarships to conduct her/his research at VinUniversiy and UTS.
● [Jul. 2022] I serve as a Program Committee (PC) Member for the Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-23) .
● [Jul. 2022] Our paper "Deployment and validation of an AI system for detecting abnormal chest radiographs in clinical settings" is accepted by Frontiers in Digital Health.
● [Jul. 2022] Our paper "VinDr-CXR: An open dataset of chest X-rays with radiologist’s annotations" is accepted by Scientific Data (Nature, IF 9.051).
● [Jul. 2022] VinUni-Illinois Smart Health Center (VISHC) is officially launched. With 13,5 million USD in funding from Vingroup, VISHC will focus on interdisciplinary research in biotechnology and data science to develop affordable and accessible projects that can positively impact people’s health.
● [Feb. 2022] I serve as a Reviewer for European Conference on Computer Vision 2022 (ECCV2022) and the 25th International Conference on Medical Image
Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI2022)
● [Dec. 2021] Our research team got $220K funding from Vingroup Innovation Foundation - VinIF to enhance medication safety.
● [Nov. 2021] I gave a talk on Explainablle AI at AI Now: Research and Development 2021 conference, organized by BK.AI (HUST) and Naver Corporation.
● [Nov. 2021] I join VinUni as a Teaching Fellow at the College of Engineering and Computer Science and Research Fellow at VinUni-Illinois Smart Health Center (VISHC).
● [Sep. 2021] I serve as a reviewer for IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2022 (CVPR2022).
● [Aug. 2021] We release VinDr-SpineXR: An open dataset for spinal lesions detection and classification from radiographs on PhysioNet. To the best of our knowledge, the VinDr-SpineXR is currently the largest dataset to date that provides radiologist’s bounding-box annotations for developing supervised-learning object detection algorithms. We believe that the dataset will serve as a benchmark dataset for accelerating the development and evaluation of new machine learning models for the spinal X-ray interpretation.
● [Aug. 2021] Two papers got accepted by ICCV Workshop 2021 on Computer Vision for Automated Medical Diagnosis.
● [June 2021] One paper on "A deep learning framework for spinal lesions detection and classification from radiographs" got accepted by International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2021).
● [May 2021] Our new paper titled " VinDr-RibCXR: A Benchmark Dataset for Automatic Segmentation and Labeling of Individual Ribs on Chest X-rays" is accepted by Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL 2021).
● [Apr. 2021] I gave a talk on AI in Medical Imaging at the Summer School on Advances in DS&AI 2021 .
● [Apr. 2021] A new paper on AI for chest X-ray analysis is published on Neurocomcomputing.
● [Feb. 2021] I serve as a Reviewer for International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV2021).
● [Sep. 2019] I just successfully defended my Ph.D. thesis at the Computer Science Research Institute of Toulouse (IRIT), France. The presentation is available here. I will back to Hanoi, Vietnam and work as a Research Scientist in Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the Vingroup Big Data Institute (VinBDI) starting from October 2019. My work focuses on applying the latest advances in Machine Learning & Deep Learning for Medical Imaging Analysis.
● [July 2019] In our recent study, we showed that a simple deep neural network is able to learn and predict 3D human poses from 2D keypoints obtained from RGB images. The full paper about this research is available on arXiv.
● [July 2019] I gave a poster presentation at the annual seminar of Toulouse Computer Science Research Institute (IRIT), France. The presentation was about training a deep learning neural network for predicting 3D human poses from their 2D keypoint detections on RGB images.
● [July 2018] My new paper about improving ResNet architecture for human action recognition (HAR) with RGB-D data has been accepted with revision for publication by the IET Computer Vision Journal.
● [May 2018] My paper titled: "Exploiting Inception-ResNet networks for human action recognition (HAR) from skeletal data" has been accepted for oral presentation at the 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2018).
● [Jun. 2018 ] My paper: "Exploiting deep residual networks for human action recognition from skeletal data" has been accepted for publication in the Computer Vision and Image Understanding Journal.